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PST File Extension

17.02 by adipramana ·

Have you been familiar with pst file extension? PST is personal storage table, this file extension is used to organize, store, and access essential Microsoft mail messaging information, such as the calendar items, addresses, contacts, e-mail, Inbox, appointments, and notes. Usually, it is used as personal folder backup by creating local copy of personal data. If you are having trouble in reading Microsoft outlook message with .pst file extension via MAPI then it is better for you to download the software now.

Click on fileextensionpst.com. Here you can access the 1MB file extension pst reader. How to do it? First, open the Microsoft Outlook, the open the file menu and click on Open, then click on Outlook Data File and you should select .pst file and clik OK. After that, you use the Go Menu at the top of the screen to get the access of Folder List. The file extension pst has two gigabyte limits and it will be unstable if it reach its limit. Any modification of the .pst file leads to modification of the internal Microsoft Outlook data, it is because file extension pst is a reference to mail data.

Just download the driver now and it will help you assist the programs and applications function in Microsoft Outlook. Though, there many programs and applications available to repair damaged .pst files, then it is better if you create the backup the original version.

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